Download Guardy on your child's iOS device from the App Store:
On the child's iOS device, go to the App Store and search for Guardy.
Click Download, and then click Install.
Enter your Apple ID password, if needed.
Guardy will now be installed on the child's device.
Once installed, it's time to configure the app, here's how:
Open Guardy on your child's mobile device.The Guardy Welcome screen will open, review the app's key features and press Continue.
A window with conditions opens. Review the legal documents, if you agree with the documents, select the corresponding check boxes (if you do not agree with the documents, close the app and do not use it).
If you agree with the documents, click Confirm.
Connect your device to My Guardy by logging in with your user information. The device will now be connected to your My Guardy account.
Since this is a childs device, click SKIP on the statement about data processing for marketing purposes.
Please indicate that this is a child's device.
Specify the child using this mobile device by following instructions:
Select the child from the child list or add a child if the child list does not contain the child using this mobile device. Do the following:
Click Continue and allow Guardy access to the device location.
Accept Guardy to receive notifications. Now we need to install a profile on your childs iOS device!
Install the configuration profile. Do the following:
Click Continue, view configuration profile information, and press Install Profile.
Press Allow to open device settings.
IF device settings doesn't open, Go to normal settings (click the gear), In the top under the "childs/parent" name, you will see "configuration file downloaded", CLICK on it.
Confirm the installation of the configuration profile by pressing Install up in the right corner.
View the system alert and press Install.
Confirm the installation.
Click Done.
Return to the app. Click Done.
Now it's important that you hide the Safari app to let Guardy become your child's new, safe browser app by following these steps:
Open Settings -> Screen Time -> Restrict Content / Privacy (Turn ON) -> Allowed Apps -> Safari (Turn OFF).
Done! Guardy is configured. Now you can give the device to your child.