Do I need to use K-Chiing on my home wireless network?

First, the laptop version of K-Chiing detects if you are on an insecure network, and automatically activates. But it can 't hurt for you to use K-Chiing on your home wireless network. While it is rare, it is still feasible for a hacker to gain access to your home wireless network especially if you are using the older WEP security. K-Chiing automatically detects the kind of connection you are using and activates if you are accessing an unsecured connection. So you can leave it on all the time, and you don’t have to worry.
Wireless networks use one of two encryption schemes: WEP (Wireless Encryption Protocol) or WPA (WiFi Protected Access). WEP was the initial encryption scheme standard for first generation wireless networking devices. However, it has been found that WEP is not as secure as once believed. If you have a standard router or access point in your home its most likely using WEP. WPA aims to provide stronger wireless data encryption than WEP, but not everyone can use the new wireless encryption technology. In order to use WPA, all devices on your network must be configured for WPA. If a device is not configured for WPA, it will usually fall back to the lesser WEP encryption scheme, enabling the wireless devices to communicate on the network.
We recommend that you use the WPA encryption scheme on your home wireless network.

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